By Andie

Photography by Juan Carlos Pablo, via Unsplash 

It’s hard to see past the thick fog that wrapped itself tightly around me after you left,

to blow away the thousands of butterflies who took residence around my heart

and find some way to continue when all my energy left with you. 


My heart still aches to know you,

my mind misses you and my body still craves to be your mum.


You may not have had time to enter this world with your footprints my love,

but you have had a great impact all the same.


You have taught me strength

And I have learnt the hardest things can be overcome


You sparked my motivation

To be the best person I can possibly be


You helped me accept my sensitivity

Once a flaw yet now something I am fiercely proud of


You have shown me deep sadness and grief

Carving a path of pure compassion from those that surround me


And above all, you have opened my eyes to motherhood 

Showing me how much love I have to give in this world


I shall proudly use the lessons you continue to teach me to drive myself forward,

be free of the darkness and love hard,

your time will never be in vain.


Somehow, the stars must continue to sparkle, the moon to shine, and the sun to beam beautifully through the clouds when the rains fall. 


Rest well little one, 



Andie is a lover of all things people, tea and adventure. Soulful, social and a ball of energy, she is learning new ways to process the tougher things in life and to find her way through the cloud of anxiety that frequently takes over.


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