by Lauren Nickodemus

Photography: MUILLU on Unsplash

Artwork: Remi Jokiranta (PeacefulPirateNinja)

I love you with that painful, splitting love

the kind where cords are anchored deep

a barbed arrow into the heart

that grapples and pulls.


It’s not the kind of love that’s always pretty.

I’ve wept and fallen to pieces, in fact

and will again

cause what are we but humans?

Life shakes us, and we tremble.


But when I lie next to you in the dark

and hear the pumping of your blood

and smell the soft skin of your throat

a great swell rises

and I’m rent with love.


Never this safe

since I was a child in the fortress

of mother’s arms

I feel I could fold inside you

and rest in embryonic calm.


And I grasp at your skin as if

I could pull you into me –

the first to burst my chest with love so heavy

it presses tears out onto my cheeks.

I can’t part from you.   

The cord is there, the seed, the nestled silver light

that glows out of me in beams

or shivers me so hard I cannot think.


A friend once told me, speaking of marriage

that the love of your life

will be able to hurt you more than anyone else

and now

I see at last what she meant.


You don’t just touch my heart, you live there.

A place has been carved out for you

and every light and darkness shining from you

shoots like fireworks

twinned beneath my ribs.

Lauren Nickodemus

Lauren Nickodemus is a writer, publisher and marketing assistant. She is the co-founder of indie publishing press Monstrous Regiment, which specialises in topics of feminism, gender, and sexuality. She has co-edited The Bi-ble: An Anthology of Essays and Personal Narratives about Bisexuality (available here) and is general co-editor of the upcoming Monstrous Regiment Magazine, a feminist lit mag which will release its first issue in June. Originally from Michigan, she moved to Scotland to pursue an MSc in Publishing and has since made Edinburgh home. She writes poetry and fiction in a variety of genres. Follow her publishing projects on Twitter @MonstrousRgmt or her everyday goings-on on Instagram @laurennicko_.

Author Image: Remi Jokiranta

Remi Jokiranta (PeacefulPirateNinja)

Remi Jokiranta, aka PeacefulPirateNinja, is a 20-year-old psychology student from Finland currently studying in Edinburgh. They are very passionate about human rights (especially women’s and LGBTQIA+ rights) and animal rights and they advocate for these causes in many different ways (street activism, social media, art, etc.). They love to draw, paint and write poems. They’re also very passionate about self-love, addressing mental health issues and being inclusive to everyone.