By Ezinne Ifegwu

Image by Volkan Olmez via Unsplash

My emotions are clashing
My heart is heavy
The weight is sinking me
Tears running down my cheeks
I think I believed in a wrong cause
I feel like I lied to myself
My beliefs are being damned
I’ve been aborted, I wasn’t given a chance
At this same time I’m convinced
But I hear voices of mockery
From the people I stand up for
How do I speak up for people who rather be in pain than have a say?

My head Sparks in explosion
I seek only explanation
Who do I tell
My persuasion is fading
I’ve been beaten
My shoulders are weak
I can’t raise them up
My kneels are on the ground
Pleading that my voice be heard

If only the world is flexible
If only we can evolve with technology
If only we weren’t thought the rigidity of culture
If only we all care about tomorrow
If only they can view through my eyes
And now I see myself facing down
I see myself being timid
I see the people I speak for haunt me
If I give up, please don’t stop.

Ezinne Ifegwu

Deborah Ezinne Ifegwu is from Nigeria in West Africa.
She’s passionate about women and mental health. She loves to write and talk about her experiences growing up as an underprivileged girl in a non-developed community.
She loves fashion, body positivity and music.


If you need urgent help please call The Samaritans on 116 123 or visit Befrienders. Our Resources page has a list of other organisations who may be able to help. This website should not be substituted for professional mental healthcare.

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