Words by Talitha Mayisha 

Photography via Unsplash   

She was a goddess,

a saviour,

a saint in my despair;

the princess

I’d slay a dragon for,

a blazing love I would declare.


I’d be a pirate,


lorn maiden in distress;

the hermit

waiting in a castle,

for her sword-wielding knight in dress.


I was fairy dust,

I was free,

I flew like Peter Pan;

all that changed

when this child was taught,

that a girl should marry a man.

Talitha Mayisha

Talitha Mayisha is a 28-year-old emerging poet from the Netherlands. She started writing poetry when her health began to improve again after years of being bedridden in a pitch-dark room because of her illness. Most of her work is based on her own experiences of (mental) health, growing up in a dysfunctional family and the deconstruction of her faith. She is passionate about books, mythology, intersectional feminism and animals.